Germinal Publications

“Ave Socialismus Imperator, victi victuri te salutant!” – W. Liebknecht

Please see the About page for more information.

Constructor Collection

Voices that, in harsh years of struggle, sought to realize the ideal, assuming the task of construction and destruction.

Announcer Collection

Voices that serve as weapons of combat and resistance in different trenches, as a part of the thought of our class.

Sentry Collection

Works of the classical authors of the class ideology. To affirm the new is to uphold, defend, and principally to apply.

Germinal To Go

Quite little and fierce, pocketbooks with short but important texts that you can enjoy anywhere, just like corn.

Globetrotter (in Time) Collection

Voices of those fallen and exhausted on the road to create a better world.

Amerika Collection

Books from the long and rich history of class struggle in the United States that should inform like-minded travellers of both the past and their future.